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Request for assistance: Entrepreneurs’ wellbeing and coping during COVID-19

By 17/06/2020No Comments

My name’s Hayley, I’m a Research Assistant from Curtin University’s Future of Work Institute. I’m contacting Australian business and industry groups to try to connect with Australian entrepreneurs who might be interested in taking part in a study by the Centre for Transformative Work Design. This study is researching entrepreneurs’ work design, wellbeing, and coping during COVID-19.

It’s an international study and I’m writing to ask for your help to recruit founders in your local area, so that Australian entrepreneurs will be represented in the data or findings from the study.

If you know of any entrepreneurs, founders or other networks in your local area that might be interested in participating, it’d be great if you could share this email or my contact details with them. They’ll get a free, detailed feedback report that’s personalised to them based on an initial survey they take followed by 5 minute check-ins over 2 weeks. They’re also paying it forward because a major aim of this study is to learn how to better support entrepreneurs during future economic downturns. The link to the survey is:

Please do feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

 Thank you in advance if you’re able to help – very much looking forward to seeing increased representation of AU founders in this research!

Hayley Moore MInd&OrgPsych
Research Assistant 

Curtin University
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