Please see below a letter from Lutheran Services detailing new QLD Government Aged Care Direction for suppliers & contractors who work across health care settings and aged care services:
Due to Queensland Government’s Aged Care Direction Number 9, all contractors and suppliers who work across multiple heath care settings and/or aged care services must wear a single use surgical mask while on site.
As per the current procedure all essential visitors and providers of essential services will be health screened, required to sign a health declaration and required to have had an influenza vaccination.
We will continue to follow Queensland Government directions regarding visitation procedures and provide updates as information becomes available.
Ensuring business continuity is a critical element of this planning and we will continue to keep you up to date.
For updates at any time, please visit our website: or contact your contract manager.
Please note, this is a precautionary measure only. There are currently no suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases among the community, and with your assistance we will prevent the infection from affecting the most vulnerable Australians in our care.
The health and safety of our residents, staff, families and suppliers are paramount, and we thank you in advance for you cooperation and support as we navigate this situation.