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KCCI Konnect: Issue 2 – August 2020

By 30/09/2020No Comments

Welcome to our August issue of KCCI Konnect.

KCCI Meet & Greet – Put this date in your diary.

KCCI next M&G will be on Tuesday 8th September 2020 hosted by South Burnett Regional Council at Kingaroy Town Hall commencing at 5.15pm. Invitation with full details and guest speakers will follow shortly.

Kingaroy Transformation Update

Design options are currently being drafted for discussion with the current likely construction commencement date to be early November, with staged construction taking approximately 2 years to complete. Community consultation will take place in early September to finalise the design details prior to works commencing. Council will be looking forward to provide an insight on the community consultation process to assist with understanding the work ahead.

Alford Street Car Park, Kingaroy – Reconstruction & Associated Works

Council is pleased to advise the progress of the reconstruction works for the Alford Street Car Park located between Alford Street, Haly Street, Kingaroy Street and Hector Munro Lane, behind the Commonwealth Bank.

Funded through Council’s 2020-21 Capital Programme, the project includes the rehabilitation of existing pavement including new seal and line marking, disabled parking, caravan access, upgrades to lighting, provision for future electric vehicle charge stations and landscaping.

Council has already made great progress on the project by clearing the area and removing existing material in preparation of new granular pavement to be laid. Council have installed new stormwater and subsoil drains as well as water services for the landscaping. Council anticipates the Car Park will be open to the public mid to late September, subject to weather and other external constraints.

The closure of the Car Park remains in place to ensure the safety of public and project staff. Council encourages all business and property owners to utilise alternative parking locations, enabling customers to utilise the available parking along Kingaroy Street.

Petition for South Burnett Specialist Cancer Nurse

Deb Frecklington MP is proud to support a petition calling for the appointment of a Specialist Cancer Nurse role for the South Burnett. The petition is being coordinated by members of the community who had approached Deb regarding the loss of the Cancer Care Nurse Navigator service which had been operating for nearly two years. The service had been highly valued and at the time it ceased in late 2019 there were 76 active clients, with 10-12 new referrals each month.

Unfortunately, there are a large number of cancer patients in the South Burnett, with the number of people dying from cancer in Murgon, Cherbourg and Wondai 15% above the national average and 9% above the average for Kingaroy. Earlier this year, Deb wrote to the Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service Board calling for the reinstatement of this specialist role, however, they have noted that the role will now be general and not specific to a particular disease. While we appreciate this new role is also important, cancer patients are telling me that they are very disappointed to lose this essential cancer specific service, which guided them through their cancer journey.

The petition we are running is calling for the appointment of a Specialist Cancer Nurse role for the South Burnett and is being supported by Principal Petitioner, Mr Eric Cross. Both Eric and his wife Carla are cancer survivors and in 2019 were the Faces of Relay for Kingaroy Relay for Life. The petition is available in hard copy format from various members of the community, as well as at her Electorate Office in Kingaroy.

It can also be signed online here.

The petition will close on the 28th August 2020.

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