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KCCI Konnect: Issue 1 – July 2020

By 30/09/2020No Comments

KCCI Achievements

We would like to acknowledge the efforts of past president Rob Fitz-Herbert, who was instrumental in securing the Coopers Gap Mobile Phone Tower and Kingaroy Transformation Project amongst many other things. Thanks for your time and tireless effort Rob. 

Coopers Gap Mobile Phone Tower – This was a joint submission from Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Celeste Nelson, president of Jandowae Business and Community Group. It was conducted in conjunction with Clare Mildren of AGL, to garnish local support for a mobile tower that was at risk of not being delivered as planned.  SBRC backed this submission through their blackspot programme. The improved coverage will be from Kingaroy to Dalby.

Kingaroy Transformation – KCCI were heavily involved in helping to secure this funding. KCCI had several discussions & consultations with SBRC, requesting letters of support from local businesses, conducting a survey & sending feedback from KCCI & its members.

Kingaroy Transformation – Next Steps.

KCCI met with council last month to discuss the Kingaroy Transformation Project and working together in this space to get the desired outcomes for everyone.

The good news is that we are singing the same song in this space and SBRC are keen to work closely with KCCI and include us in the project management committee.  At this stage, the final design is still being put together along with funding terms.  Once this is finalised further consultation will be sort from the Business Community.

Council will be contacting business owners and property owners directly to discuss some areas of the project, including disability access, engineering reports one awning structure and access requirements during construction.   The design team will give a great resource of some mock designs of what their shops fronts could look like to echo the design of the project whilst adhering to any heritage listing constraints.

SBRC – Tenders & Suppliers 

At our last Zoom Meet & Greet we invited Louise Reidy, SBRC Strategic Procurement Coordinator to discuss Council tenders. Council has 7 established arrangements of Pre-Qualified suppliers which reflects Council’s core business operations. These arrangements are a contracted Standing Offer Arrangement. The terms of the standing offer arrangement do not include a guarantee of work however it does ensure that the suppliers are suitably qualified to conduct works for Council, therefore providing those suppliers the opportunity to be engaged for works at any time. The registers are refreshed at the same time each year allowing new suppliers to apply and existing suppliers to update pricing and service offerings.

  • Dry Hire (September)
  • Wet Hire (September)
  • Road Making Quarry Materials (September)
  • Civil Works  (April)
  • Trade Services (April)
  • Electrical Works (April)
  • Pest Management (April)

Council has taken a further step towards supporting local business and industry with the development of a Local Marketplace register. The intent of this register is to capture the regions service and supply capabilities for ad-hoc non contracted low risk procurement activities. The marketplace is an online procurement system which allows Council officers to search, nominate and invite local suppliers to quote. This is a great opportunity for local business owners to have their goods and services captured and seen by Council officers searching for supply of goods and services within the region.

If a business is interested in supplying goods or services to Council, suppliers can register on Councils Local Marketplace for free by following the registration link provided on Council’s recently updated website:

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