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COVID-19 Update

By 22/12/2020No Comments

As COVID-19 is continuing to cause disruptions, please see below information regarding some immediate and upcoming changes which may affect your business.

Digital Contact Tracing

Yesterday, Premier Palaszczuk announced all businesses who collect customer information, must now use digital methods and paper-based collections will no longer be acceptable.

At CCIQ, we recognise the importance of contact tracing and the role it has on keeping businesses open and operating.

If your business is yet to adopt a digital platform, CCIQ recommends Safe Visit.

Safe Visit is a Queensland developed, online platform that is available FREE to all businesses.

It takes less than 2 minutes to sign up and have working with no signup fees or ongoing costs. Customer data is stored onshore in Australia, and is only used for contact tracing and the data can be made available within minutes if required.

You can find out more at

We anticipate there will be an increased focus on COVIDsafe compliance over the holiday period. You can check the current restrictions and requirements for your business here.


JobKeeper 2.1 will come into effect from January 4th, and businesses will need to reapply and show that your GST has declined in the December 2020 quarter. Full details are here.

Payroll Tax survey

We know the road to recovery beyond COVID will take time. Beyond stimulus, there needs to be reform, especially regarding Payroll Tax.

CCIQ, in partnership with the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), is embarking on a campaign to raise awareness of the burden of payroll tax on Australian business and the broader economy. We invite you to complete this survey which will to help detail the financial impact of Payroll Tax on business and help in identifying the necessary reforms.

Over the Christmas period, we’ll continue to keep you informed of any further changes which may take place.