RACQ LifeFlight Rescue has been Queensland’s leading community helicopter rescue service for 42 years. Every day, RACQ LifeFlight Rescue crews treat seriously ill and injured patients, whilst providing rapid-response airlifts to hospitals around the state.
We are holding a third-party event (Gala Dinner) on the 5 th of November 2022, to raise funds for RACQ LifeFlight Rescue, currently seeking support for sponsorships (goods, services, or vouchers to
be used towards the raffle.)
Can your business help support this great local cause?
Please refer to the Sponsorship Proposal attached to see how your investment will be recognised.
Thank you for your consideration of this event and for helping us raise much needed funds and awareness for the RACQ LifeFlight Rescue service and its team of dedicated local heroes.
If you have any questions, please ring Susan on 07 4162 1941 or after hours on 0419766141, or pop in and see her at Kingaroy Office Central, alternatively you can email info@kingaroyofficecentral.com.au. Danita can be reached on 0419038005 or email myshadeeplace@bigpond.com