Expression of Interest:
Self-paced online learning in Person-centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP)
People experiencing homelessness are more exposed to the risks from
events such as floods, cyclones, bushfires, and COVID-19. Person-centred approaches put people and their support needs at the centre of disaster management. This means including people experiencing homelessness and the services that support them in identifying and removing barriers that increase risks before, during and after a disaster.
Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) Education is now being offered through The University of Sydney, Centre for Continuing Education, as a self-paced, online short course. The P-CEP Short Course is led by Associate Professor Michelle Villeneuve and her team at the Centre for Disability Research and Policy.
Download flyer for more information here.
This learning opportunity is open to service providers supporting people experiencing homelessness in Queensland as part of the Homelessness Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (HIDRR) project.
Expressions of Interest to take part in this learning opportunity are now open.
Register your interest today by visiting:
If you have any questions regarding this short course, please contact Helen Styles via email: