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The journey to Brisbane 2032: Business opportunity update

By 14/11/2022No Comments

Suppliers are you ready?

Thank you for registering for business opportunity updates to get set for the Green and Gold Runway to the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Whether your goal is to supply directly to the Queensland Government and the Games, or indirectly via the supply chain, there will be significant opportunities in coming years for businesses who are supply-ready.

On your marks

Staying up-to-date is the first step toward becoming supply-ready for the Games.

In accordance with the Buy Queensland approach, procurement decisions for the Games will be based on value, not just price. Brisbane 2032 offers an unparalleled opportunity for businesses that adopt best practice sustainability for their industry and that innovate.

Get set

To increase your opportunity to supply to the Games, you will need to demonstrate your business’s ability to meet economic, social and environmental benchmarks.

Brisbane 2032 will be a Climate Positive Games. Businesses supplying to the Games, either directly or indirectly, will need to meet sustainability targets. Details about sustainability criteria are anticipated to be available in 2023.

In the meantime, research and consult your industry association to understand best practice sustainability for your business type. Start considering ways to reduce fuel and energy consumption, switch to renewables, reduce waste and use sustainable and recycled materials.


Some procurement relating to Brisbane 2032 has already started and over the next 10 years, more opportunities will become available. Part of being ready also means accessing wider opportunities to supply to the Queensland Government. View current and upcoming opportunities to supply to government, including for the Games. Sign up with QTenders to receive notifications about tenders as they open.

Games business checklist

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