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Lutheran Services Aged Care Code of Conduct

By 20/12/2022No Comments

Dear Lutheran Services Contractor,

This is an important message about the new Aged Care Code of Conduct, which came into effect Thursday, 1 December 2022.

The Code has been developed by the Australian Government to ensure our older residents and clients are treated well and get safe and quality care – something that’s close to our hearts here at Lutheran Services.

As a Lutheran Services contractor in our aged care or home care services, it is a requirement for you to have read and understood this new Code.

A copy of the Aged Care Code of Conduct is attached to this letter, along with some Frequently Asked Questions. The guidelines for the Aged Care Code of Conduct can be found at Code of Conduct for Aged Care – information for workers | Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and we recommend you read this information to further understand how this impacts on you as a contractor.

It is important to note that there are no new requirements in this Code – it links existing regulatory obligations and provides us with clear examples of what’s expected. What is new, however, is how the requirements will be monitored. There will be considerable consequences for Lutheran Services, staff and contractors for any breaches of conduct.

This Code reflects all we do and stand for at Lutheran Services. It helps ensure the people we serve have confidence in the quality of our aged care and home care services and can expect the same high quality care and support across all of our sites.

Thank you for taking the time to read this message and please get in touch if you need any further information.

Code of Conduct