We have some really exciting stuff happening with CTC Youth Crew these school holidays for our young people to enjoy! All of our activities are for 12-24-year-olds, and we can transport them to the event and home again, and everything is completely free. To book into any of these events contact the names on the posters or get in touch with me on 0429 190 713 or email katem@sbctc.com.au.
- Our two CTC Small Town Skills and Family Fun Days will be happening in Blackbutt on Wednesday, June 28 and Wondai on Thursday, July 6 both from 11am-3pm. There will be laser tag, pulled pork burgers, popcorn, fairy floss, snow cones, music, art, craft, tennis, karaoke, first aid lessons and much more – and it’s all completely free! All ages are most welcome to attend this event.
- CTC Youth Crew Pyjama & Pizza Party Movie Night – Come dressed in your comfiest winter jammies and strap in for an action-packed blockbuster with some serious speed as we catch the new DC Universe superhero film… “The Flash” on Thursday, June 29 from 6-9pm at the Kingaroy Cinema! Please note this is another free CTC Youth Crew activity for 12-24-year-olds but keep in mind this film is rated M for mature audiences and is not recommended for viewing by people under the age of 15.
- Polymer Clay Earring Workshop – Learn how to make your very own pair of polymer clay dangle earrings! Friday, June 30 from 2-4pm at CTC Youth and Family Services in Kingaroy.
- Karaoke Skate Party at the Hub in Nanango – Come and sing your heart out and give roller skating a go at The Hub Nanango. Lots of food, arcade tokens and prizes on offer! Tuesday, July 4 from 11am-1pm.
- Paint and Snack Session with Amanda – Come along to this free paint and snack session lead by Nanango art teacher, Amanda Jensen and learn how to create a happy, hippy highland cow as pictured in the poster! Wednesday, July 5 from 2-4pm at Abundant Creativity in Nanango.
- Money Management & Go Karting Session – Learn how to get the most out of your money and how to budget with Di our Money Management officer. Friday, July 7 from 11am-1.30pm followed by a go karting session in Nanango from 2.30-3.30pm. Pizza lunch provided. Workshop is taking place at CTC Youth and Family Services beside the Kingaroy Skate Park.