- January 17, 2024
Smile Program
The initiative works on multiple levels. Firstly, the KCCI has funded two (2) staff from each member’s business to undertake Bunyarra Wellbeing Co’s award nominated Training program “N.I.C.L.”. This funding was made available through FRRR – In a Good Place, to support and promote the mental health and wellbeing of locals in their communities.
NICL stands for NOTICE, INQUIRE, CONNECT, LINK. We are rolling this out into businesses because this is where businessowners spend a majority of their day and our workmates are more likely to Notice changes in our behaviour.
Using these skills, our workmates can then Inquire to see what’s happening, make a Connection and then Link us with an appropriate Service.
Businesses can then take the opportunity to engage Bunyarra to visit their workplaces regularly to connect with staff and be a familiar face to talk to if needed. This is not an expensive exercise for businesses which makes it so accessible. And it’s already happening.
We continue to encourage business owners to check in with each other as well. Our executive team regularly take the opportunity to call each other or visit for a coffee.
The KCCI then developed our Critical Crisis Counselling Fund (CCCF). This fund provides one free counselling session for our members or their staff with our partners Bunyarra Wellbeing Co. when it is most needed. It is a completely confidential arrangement, and we just pay the bill for the session. Getting an appointment is one of the difficulties we found when this initiative started. Since implementing the CCCF we have provided 49 plus sessions to our members.